March 11th Meeting: "Help! What Next?" at 10:00AM
Paige 8:40 AM 0 comments

"Help!  What Next?!"
*by the group* 
Bring in your tired, your lackluster, and your frustrated pieces, yearning to be Beautiful.  And find out what fresh ideas the group can offer to reignite your creative juices.  

Or bring in the piece that just needs that "one thing"; except you don't know how to do that "one thing", and see if someone in the group can show you how to do the "one thing".

Or bring in the piece that is consuming your mind and tell us what you want to do next.  The meeting is for everyone to give and get advice, inspiration and support!!!!!

Don't miss it!!! 

Meetings start at 10:00 a.m
The meeting is at Fran Rosen's Studio
If you don't know where Fran Rosen lives, just email her at FRosen(at)mednet(dot)ucla(dot)edu, or the address is on your Roster!!!! 

Meeting Agenda: 
Selling Opportunity:
Lena will tell us about an opportunity that she is offering the members of the group to sell pieces through her booth at and upcoming show.  Her booths theme is Dark Elegance with Revel Flair, so piece will need to fit that theme.

Show and Tell:
Don't be shy, we'd love to see your creations and hear about what went into there creation.  Please limit it to your 3 favorites, so we have time for everyone.

Have you discovered a new product, tool or book?  We would love to hear about it!

Your first meeting is completely free, so come check us out and see what you think,  If you want to join, dues are $25.00 by cash or check.  That's for the whole year, you really can't beat that.


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