SATURDAY!!! May 12th Meeting: "Pressed Metal Take 2!!" at 10:00AM
Paige 8:35 AM 0 comments


"Pressed Metal, Take 2!!!!"

*by Michelle Ross and Betsy Manheimer* 
This is going to be an amazing meeting folks!!!  Michelle and Betsy are doing another day, this time it's going to be hands on with the hydraulic press and the vise, a useful alternative if you don't have a hydraulic press.

Don't forget to bring your homework from the last meeting, I can't wait to see everyone "dies"!!!!

The uses for die pressed elements are unlimited!!  You can enamel on it like a dream, add it to pendents, earrings and bracelets or it can easily stand alone.  This demo will blow your mind.  It will also give everyone the training they need to use the studio hydraulic press during future open studios, woohoo!!

Don't miss it!!! 

Meetings start at 10:00 a.m
The meeting is at Michelle Ross' Studio
If you don't know where Michelle Ross lives, just email her at michellebariross(at)mac(dot)com, or the address is on your Roster!!!! 

Meeting Agenda: 
Selling Opportunity:
We'll go through new business and go over the schedule for the rest of the year.

Show and Tell:
Don't be shy, we'd love to see your creations and hear about what went into there creation.  Please limit it to your 3 favorites, so we have time for everyone.

Have you discovered a new product, tool or book?  We would love to hear about it!

Your first meeting is completely free, so come check us out and see what you think,  If you want to join, dues are $25.00 by cash or check.  That's for the whole year, you really can't beat that.


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